30 Day Novena

30 Day Novena

On this first day of March, the monks of Notre Dame Priory are starting a Thirty Day Novena to St Joseph for the very important intention of finding the spot in Tasmania chosen by Almighty God for the definitive establishment of our monastery. We are provisionally located in Lindisfarne, a suburb of Hobart, in a house provided by the archdiocese. But we must in the coming months find other accommodations. There are many potential sites, with pros and cons in all of them. In the end, the decision will fall to Father Prior who is having recourse to the advice of many good and competent persons. But please unite with us; unite your penances with the novena which will consist of reciting each day of this month the Litany of Saint Joseph for this intention. Beg our good patron St Joseph to show us the way, to open the doors, to provide us with all that we need in order to come to the best possible decision, and also that we will have the financial means of achieving it. In that way, we are confident that our prayers will be answered and that we will be able to come to a decision about our next move.