Today our small community was delighted to welcome our beloved Archbishop for “High Tea”. This is the first time His Grace was able to come and spend a good amount of time with us since our installation here in Lindisfarne. After a brief tour of the recently renovated house, our temporary home, we treated our distinguished guest to delicious scones with jam and tea, all prepared with much diligence by the kitchen team (Fr Prior having dispensed from Lenten austerities for this very special occasion!).
His Grace made no secret of his joy in welcoming us to Hobart. He insisted upon the role of monastic communities to keep the faith alive and ward off the powers of darkness. All of us were honoured by his presence and we look forward to next time. In the meantime, we felt encouraged to pursue our life of prayer and work for the salvation of souls and the glorification of God, all through Mary Immaculate.