We are now in the midst of a novena to Our Blessed Mother. It started on the feast of the Transfiguration and will end on the glorious feast of the Assumption. During these days, on which we are also following a retreat guided by Fr Mark Bachmann from Clear Creek, we place ourselves before Our Lady and ask her to intercede on our behalf.
The main intention is for the happy settlement of our purchase of Jerusalem Estate, as we have reason to think this is Her will for the future of our community. We pray with confidence, trusting that if our prayer is in any way misguided, She, as a good Mother, will direct it as it should be.
To help you unite with our prayer, I thought you might like to hear a version of our daily chant of the Sub tuum praesidium. The monks sing this beautiful antiphon each day after Holy Mass at her altar in St Patrick’s Church. Our intentions at that time are legion. We present our own needs of course, both spiritual and temporal, but also those of all our friends and benefactors.
May this humble chant, one of the most ancient in Holy Church, help you to lift up your soul to Jesus through Mary, and obtain an increase of her maternal attention for you and yours.
We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God;
despise not our petitions in our necessities,
but deliver us always from all dangers,
O glorious and blessed Virgin.