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from the Cloister


First Sunday after Epiphany The feast of the Holy Family is a recent addition to the Church’s liturgy. The reason is obvious. It wasn’t until modern times that the human family, as instituted by God and sanctified by Christ, came under virulent attack. What…


Epiphany The three wise men, otherwise known as the Magi, were God-seekers. They had studied the stars, for they had heard of the prophecy of Balaam, that a star would rise out of Jacob (cf. Num 24:17). Their gaze is ever turned towards Heaven….


The Most Holy Name of Jesus  This Sunday we honour the Holy Name of Jesus, the Name given to the newborn Babe on the day of His circumcision. Last Sunday we noted in the Gospel within the octave of Christmas the prophecy of Simeon…


4th Sunday of Advent With the glorious feast of Christmas now at our doorstep, Holy Mother Church brings before the eyes of our contemplation two biblical figures. First of all, St John the Baptist, the Precursor. He appears on the scene with an austere…


3rd Sunday of Advent Gaudete in Domino semper, iterum dico gaudete. Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say: Rejoice. At the approach of the now imminent festival of the Nativity, Holy Mother Church invites us to rejoice. Our motive: the Lord is near….


8 December 2024 Immaculate Conception of Our Lady There are few feasts in our liturgical calendar that are more difficult to understand than the Immaculate Conception, but also more fruitful for the devout soul. First of all, let’s make clear what we are talking…


5-7 December 2024 Mary Immaculate cannot fail to guide our reflections this month, as our triduum takes place just before her feast. At the same time, the Immaculate Conception fits in well with the preparation for Christmas through the liturgy of Advent. Three thoughts…