Mixed Christmas Card Pack – 10 Pcs


If you would like to buy more than one mixed pack with more than 5 designs, leave your extra preferences in the comment section below.
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This pack contains 10 A6 Christmas Cards with envelopes designed and made by the monks of Notre Dame Priory.


This pack contains 10 A6 Christmas Cards with envelopes designed and made by the monks of Notre Dame Priory.

When you place this item in your cart you will be prompted to select at least 2 but up to five designs in order of your preference. You will receive all the designs selected, but when it is necessary to have more of one than another (e.g. 3 designs selected means of 3 of each design plus one), the designs will be added in order of preference.

The cards using Classical art are named after their artist.

If you would not like the designs to be equally distributed (e.g. 6 of one design and 4 of another), leave a comment with the quantities you would like in the comment section at the bottom of the form.

If you would like to buy more than one mixed pack with more than 5 designs, leave your extra preferences in the comment section of the form.